Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Too Many Things that I find in my Camera Roll.

When I got a new phone, you bet your first world problematic ass that I went for the 32GB upgrade. I mean, doesn't GB stand for "Gold, bitches!!!" (Christelle note: I know GB stands for gigabytes; I'm not an idiot. I was trying to be relatable in that, "I'm real y'all I call people 'bitches' and 'y'all' because I'm a person that's updated with the lingo, bae. Also, people shouldn't be called bitches, but for some reason calling people bitches makes them more approachable-ish. Just based on my personal observations. Of the characters in millennium-era teen movies.)

Okay, I take the "bitches" thing back because I feel incredibly uncomfortable even as I type this.  The point I was trying to make is that memory space on  a phone is precious, and despite having 32 gigs of it, there is still never "enough storage space" (DAMN THAT POP-UP!) for me to record a video of  Sir Paw McCartney hiccuping as he rolls over for me to rub his belly (IT WAS ADORABLE! Damn you, lack of storage space!) At this point, the only sensible thing to do is that thing of pointless browsing through my phone's photo albums  and systematically deleting the pictures that  a) have already been uploaded, b) have at least 10 other exact photos due to a photoshoot session with a trigger-happy photographer, and c) probably exist on Facebook or Instagram already.

And I found a crap-ton of random pictures. Seriously, go through your phone.  I encourage everyone to cleanse their camera rolls and time travel to moments you forgot you felt the need to capture.  In honor of these finds, I present to you When Was This Wednesday (#WhenWasThisWednesday #WWTW), a spinoff of Throwback Thursday during which I have no idea when certain pictures were taken and I can't help but think, "When the hell was this?"

Ideally, some of these mysteries would be solved-- perhaps friends can provide any information they have or clues from said-photos could reveal more contextualization  for each #WWTW, but it's mostly just stuff I need to upload somewhere so that I can delete it.  That works too.

Alright, first #WhenWasThisWednesday #WWTW photo! I'm definitely wearing Gryffindor robes in this picture. 

-Love, Christelle x