Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Too Many Things about a new year.

The first of January is that magical do over day when everyone-- or everyone who buys into reinvention, resolution, and renewal-- is their best, most optimistic self.

Social media today was almost unbearable: New Year's resolutions statuses, gym selfies, food photos, late New Year's Eve updates, work selfies (Oops.. guilty!), pictures of the sunrise/sunset, etc. Now, more than ever, I feel like every individual in the universe is rubbing it in my face with how awesome(!) they plan to become for this new year.

Which, now that I type about it, is sort of lovely. I mean, isn't that the kind of world I dream of? Glass half-full, "Anything is Possible", go-getting human beings everywhere I go? Perhaps I wouldn't be so jaded if the majority of "goals" I read/hear concern trying to become a hotter person-- not that there's anything wrong with getting more fit and/or trying to boost your self-confidence unless you're already a vapid, self-obsessed tool.

Christelle Note: Don't get me wrong.. health is important. But when someone(ex. my dad) rubs his Santa-sized belly and sing songily says, "You'll see... Come January 1st..." and then buys a Family Size bag of Cheetos Cheese Puffs for the 70 minute drive to LAX, I can't help but doubt the sincerity of such a goal.

Where are the resolutions about being nicer to strangers or becoming more open-minded or improving yourself intellectually or finally facing a fear?

But then again, I guess any type of self-motivated change is a big deal; people don't usually so willingly make goals to adjust their lifestyles without any outside provoking forces, let alone attempt to actually achieve those goals.. if not only until January 7.

So maybe I'll just smile and tell people their New Year's Resolutions are "so great!", and work to be genuinely happy for them. Unless their selfies flood my Instagram feed and I'm forced to unfollow them.

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