Thursday, January 23, 2014

Too Many Things about weirdly emotional TV reactions.

Property of NBC's Community
After finishing watching Donald Glover's farewell episode of Community, Christelle sat in her living room perusing the internet for tumblr posts and reactions to Troy Barnes' send-off because she had a GRE in seven days but let's be real TV is more important than life-changing post-grad exams. She, surprisingly, was able to keep her emotions in check, her eyes only misting slightly as she looked at GIFs of Troy and Abed hugging each other. It wasn't until she scrolled down and loaded a GIF set paralleling Troy telling Britta that she was "not the worst, but the best", that Christelle pitifully burst into tears, exclaiming, "MY TV SHOW!"

She ran from the room, tears running down her face, as her parents called after her, "Anak*, you're twenty-four years old..."

"I AM TWENTY-THREE!" Christelle replied as she quickly climbed up the stairs, embarrassingly out of breath because goddamn there are too many stairs for a house and why is the staircase so far away from the living room and there are just too many emotions to breathe properly and why am I even running?

"For only two more months!" she heard her dad say from downstairs.

"Three months!" she yelled back, "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE THAT EXTRA MONTH AWAY FROM ME!"

Christelle stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. Once again, she remembered that she was insane.

*"anak" is a Filipino endearment meaning "child"

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