Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Too Many Things that should've been written about since January, but haven't.

You know what? Keeping a blog is hard. Committing to weekly updates of uninteresting life musings colored with potentially humorous and profound opinions is hard. Saying I'm going to do something and actually following through is hard-- even though I am 24 years old and should be following through on, like, every-freaking-thing adults say they're going to do already. What. The. Hell.

Dylan O Brien is that goober I would've snuck into my bedroom as a teenager. His face haunts my dreams.
You know what's not hard? Binge-watching five seasons of NBC's Parenthood on Netflix. Getting lost by yourself in Seattle. Cheating your No-Carb Diet and ordering a medium pizza for yourself. Waiting in line for four hours to see a preview screening of The Maze Runner and end up looking Dylan O Brien in the twinkling, mischievious eyes as you ask him a question about his character and the human condition just to have him tell you, "You're amazing." (The ability to breathe properly afterwards, however, falls into the Hard category.)

Here is a list of some Non-Hard things that I have done that I should've/could've written about instead of keeping up with this blog:

  • Bought a Blu-ray player.
  • Adopted a puppy named Sir Paw McCartney.
  • Turned 24 years old.
  • Grown my hair out so long that my ponytails now qualify as "Awesome".
  • Comic-Con 2014.
  • So. Much. Television.
  • Disneyland is so much better with a discount.

My theory for my blog-fail: Even the enjoyable things turn into a chore once any semblance of obligation tarnishes the shiny excitement of a supposed-to-be-fun hobby. Like, if someone forced or guilted me into going to Disneyland with them every week, the Happiest Place on Earth would become my Most Dreaded Place on Earth. Is this a personal issue? Am I a commitment-phobe? No. I don't think so. I'm extremely committed to Arrow as the best action hour of network television 8pm every Wednesday night on the CW.

So let's see how long it'll be until my next post. Maybe another eight months... but I'm thinking eight hours.

-Christelle x

This is Sir Paw McCartney and my awesome 24th Hagrid birthday cake.

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